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Zeta Statement of Claim

Full debate reference available at Sci.Astro thread
"Planet X debate Enterprise2002 vs J.William Dell" 
reference J.William Dell and Enterprise2002 comments

Zeta Debate on Sci.Astro 
October 25 2002 to November 1 2002

November 1, 2002
04:30 UT

This date is significant, as it represents All Saints day, preceded by Halloween 
and followed by All Souls day, considered by some, to be the days of remembrance of Noah
and the souls lost in the Flood. from the Keltic traditions, and even before,
since incorporated into the Christian church. 

It is symbolic that this would be the day, I submit my closing arguments,
and a Statement of Claim on behalf of the Zeta on the subject of the very same planet,
which is considered to be, the cause of the problems in Noah's day.  

On behalf of the Zeta, the following Statement of Claim is made.


In the debate contained under thread "Planet X debate Enterprise2002
vs J.William Dell" the following points have been won by the concession of my opponent.

1) This debate is occurring at the appropriate time in the proper
   forum. The claims made by Nancy Lieder, where discountable before Sept
   21, 2002 have now become of pressing interest and issue, needing
   rational discussion and some type of determination by this body and
   the world in general.

2) That extraterrestrial species do exist and would introduce
   themselves, if government did not introduce them sooner, after the
   time of a poleshift, predicted to occur in 2003.

3) That a poleshift of Planet Earth would occur in 2003, due to the
   return of the planet called Planet X or 10 by our scientists, Called
   Niburu and Marduk by our ancestors.

4) In its wisdom, the US Government has followed a different path, and
   hid this information from both its public, and its elected
   representatives. And continues to do so.


In the debate contained under thread "Planet X debate Enterprise2002 vs J.William Dell",
the following points have been won by the concession of my opponent.

1) We are here to debate the issues raised by the CCD imaging taken,
   of astronomic coordinates, given by a claimed telepath, Nancy Lieder,
   on behalf of another species, called Zeta who communicate by empathic
   or telepathic method.

2) Empathic communication requires relating of common elements of
   culture. Through the work of the telepath Nancy Lieder over a seven
   year period accumulating data from answers given by the Zeta to
   questions asked from people all over the world. The Zeta have
   developed a library of information that is now available for the
   population of Earth to read and explore. Through this understanding
   gained from the information available at the Zeta
   believe that Earth's citizens will be better prepared to culturally
   identify with the Zeta culture and begin peaceful interaction.


1) The Zeta have provided specific coordinates and details regarding
   Planet X or Niburu. They have provided further predictions that can be
   seen at regarding its
   location, passage, and effects.

2) The images of Sept. 21 2002 , Oct 4 2002, and Oct. 11 2002, taken
   by telescope and available at  
   are an attempt to both prove the existence of Planet X or Niburu, and 
   through that proof, the existence of the source of the coordinates, the Zeta.


In the debate contained under thread "Planet X debate Enterprise2002
vs J.William Dell", the following point has been won by the concession of my opponent.

Based on summary image picking up object, refraction angle change due
to distance covered over last 12 days, predicted movement by Zeta,
earth position at time of imaging, and on looking for most intense red
object on film. I conclude that the new Image of Planet X of Oct.
4,2002 is located just above the Sept. 21,2002 PX location as seen on
the Summary images of the two dates.


1) The Zeta, and no other source, have provided times and coordinates
   for the approach of Planet X or Niburu, who's approach has been proven
   in the images taken by Steve Havas on Sept. 21, 2002, and Oct. 4,

2) Planet X or Niburu is now confirmed by the fact of it having been
   imaged on three different occasions in the coordinate area specified
   by the Zeta.

3) The existence and imaging of Planet X or Niburu at the place and
   time indicated, has now proven the existence of the source of that
   information, The Zeta.

Notarized by placing in Google Archives under thread
" Zeta Statement of Claim " 
Delivered this day November 1, 2002 
Submitted by;
J.William Dell 

For those unfamiliar with parliamentary procedure, the debate has followed 
rules of order (most commonly Roberts Rules of Order) These rules are used in 
Councils and Assemblies around the world.

A debate occurs, that the truth of the matter may be known, at the end of debate, 
a resolution is placed on the floor, usually from the prevailing view, to be voted on.
After a vote, the matter is decided.

Above is the formal resolution, I bring forward from debate. The force of the 
resolution is found in the statement of claim listed under "Therefore, be it Resolved".

And as time will quickly prove the issue, There is no need for a vote.