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Re: Planet X: Red Light BENDING as Predicted

Himitsu wrote in message <>
> zetatalk wrote:
>>     Red light should have shifted down from Sept 21 to Oct 4 and
>>     to the left slightly on the images. It appears the best red light
>>     Px candidate for Oct 4 is slightly above and to the left of the
>>     Sept 21 position. I think it may be that the factors which affect
>>     the red light position from Sept 21 to Oct 4 are subject to a
>>     certain degree of randomness that we cannot accurately predict
>>     and that the Oct 4 candidate falls within that range.
>>         Steve Havas
>>             (
> I have a question! Just how far away is this planet x supposed to be
> right now? And
> also, when is it supposed to pass closest to Earth?

Here's a chart someone did up with estimates of PX distance:

so, around there...

The one and only date that has ever been given from ZT for the return for PX  is mid may 2003.
> remove spammersdelindeest from my address to reply

Steve Havas