As J. William Dell explains:
To: Nancy Leider
From: J.William Dell
Subject: SHAVAS 3-R, 4-R, 5-R
Greetings and to the point;
I have had an opportunity to look at all the SHAVAS R Filter
pictures individually. These were loaded in freeware Cadet
Calibration Fits software using all 6 dark plates. I would like
to point out anomolies in Frames 3-R, 4-R, 5-R
In frame 3-R, is an object just above the circle known as
Steve's candidate. In frame 4-R, is an anomolie in the exact
coordinates that were given. In frame 5-R, is the object that
has been given by the Zetas as Planet X. These pictures were
taken, so I am to understand, as 2 minute exposures.
With red light bending, are we seeing the actual Planet X in
different locations in the different 2 minute pictures? In frame
4-R specifically, have we captured the red light shifting within
this one picture (which has created what looks like a moving
object on the exposure)?
I am using the freeware Avis Fits Viewer program, which is
quite good, and it includes as part of its features an ability to
recognize stars and indicate pixel intensity. When passing the
cross hairs over objects in Fits files it recognizes the objects
in 4-R and 5-R as filmed objects on the picture. It ignores
the object in 3-R as it also ignores pixel noise or Hot? pixels
on all pictures. (Hope that makes sense, in essence, Avis Fits
viewer considers the objects in 4-R & 5-R as real.)
With the red shifting occuring, when doing a summary
stacked image, especially median, any object not appearing
on different pictures in the same place would probably be
removed. Only in Sum, or with an object with high enough
intensity in one picture, would an object appear.
I was out last night looking (without telescope) to determine
location. Just at the horizon was the star above Orions belt
(Ori_Alp_58, it has a common name, don't know it off hand)
which has a high red factor. Boy was it moving around in the
atmosphere, it made the point to me about shifting.
Kindest regards
J.William Dell