Re: Planet X: Visible SIZE, Estimate 5
And last, Jim returns with another basis of estimate, which I consider
excellent as it is based on at least ONE firm point, that Planet X
approaches but is not larger than the size of the Moon, during the last
weeks and at the point of passage.
My last calculations as to PX viewing size were based
on Robert's figures. Right? Wrong? Nobody knows, the
Zetas will not address this. We have only one distance
from the Zetas, that is the 14,000,000 mi. closest
approach to earth (hope I remembered this correctly,
can't find the ref.).
Planet X = 4 X diameter Earth
Earth = 4 X diameter Moon
Ergo, PX = 16 X diameter Moon
PX closest approach to Earth = 14,000,000 mi.
Moon mean distance from Earch= 238,000 mi.
14,000,000/238,000 = 58.8 X distance of Moon
PX = 16 X size of moon, so,
58.8/16 = 3.6 (Moon is 3.6 times larger)
PX will be approximately 1/4-1/3 size of the moon
at the closest approach. All figures approximations
and rounded. The swirling, trailing, moons cannot be
accounted for, this could make PX appear larger.