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Planet X vs Sun: Why the DISINFO?

Have you noticed how often Planet X is confused with everything BUT the
object the IRAS team went looking for in the early 1980's, the planet
causing the perturbations in the outer planets, noted by astronomers for
centuries and NOT explained by the discovery of tiny Pluto, the Planet X
sighted by the IRAS team in 1983, announced on the front page of the
Washington Post Dec 31, 1983.  We get Planet X mixed up in the public's
mind with 2001PM9, due to make a passage in April/May 2003 so that NEO
can become Planet X in the public's mind.  A recent feature in Omni was

   The Search for Planet X

and had nothing to do with a nearby planet causing perturbations in the
outer planets, but SETI and the search for life elsewhere in the
Universe!  And now we have Charles Cagle announcing that pole shift
associations, such as a massive dieoff of the majority of the Earth's
population, is to be associated with Solar Flares.  Anything to confuse
the issue.  In the pubs, on the streets, if someone says "Planet X"
another can say "oh yeah, I heard about that, Omni had a feature in May,
2002".  If someone says "pole shift" another can say "oh yeah, I heard
about that, it's caused by the Sun".  Anything to keep the public from looking
at that spot in the sky where an inbound planets will cause a pole shift
round about May 15, 2003.   

    A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant 
    planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it 
    would be part of this solar system has been found 
    in the direction of the constellation Orion by an 
    orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared 
    astronomical satellite.
Washington Post, 31-Dec-1983
Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered