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Re: Pyramids as Planet X Sighting Device??

In Article <> Idon't wrote:
> This is from the ZetaTalk.
> "the Great Pyramids were a sighting devise, such that
> the light from the approaching [Planet X] would flood 
> down a narrow passage and reflect off a pool of liquid, 
> an unmistakable signal to those nervously watching" 
> 1st- This makes no sense to me as the pyramids have no
>      sky tracking capability. Therefor, how could any 
>      "narrow passage" in them be used to monitor any
>      specific area of the sky? The specific area in 
>      question would only be in view for a few weeks
>      (days?) each year, right?

There were recently, within the last few years I believe, discovered in
the Great Pyramids a long tunnel so narrow that only a rat could go down
them, ending at a room no one could get into except by scope which
proved to be what appeared to be an empty room!  Humm.  Speculation
abounded.  The Zetas have mentioned that Planet X will become visible in
the skies some 7 weeks before passage as a red cross, moving slowly,
etc.  Following the past passage prior to the Great Pyramids being
built, the DIRECTION of approach could be computed by those left behind
on Gold mining operations.  3,657 years is a long time and documents
could get lost and time keeping get befuddled, so to be sure, and as the
exact month/day could vary depending upon what Planet X experienced
during this long passage, the Giant Pyramids were considered something
FIRM as a determining device. 

The long passage, which would line up with the redish inbound Planet X
when it was in a certain portion of the sky, would allow a light from
this planet to shine on oil in the pool.  ANOTHER long tunnel was used
for sighting.  Go peek in this second tunnel.  See a light reflected? 
No?  Wait.  Yes?  Start the countdown.

In Article <> Idon't wrote:
> 2nd- They had space travel, but relied upon VISUAL 
>      sightings to "synchronize their shuttle paths to 
>      their traveling home"?? That sounds impossibly 
>      crude.

The Great Pyramids were considered something that could not corrode, get
lost, get moved, would not be so technical that the know-how could get
lost over 3,657 years no matter what sickness or rebellion occurred on
Earth.  Kind of like what some descendant of a NASA techie dropped on a
desert island might be able to manage after 3,657 years of isolation.  A