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Planet X: Slowing Rotation 1 (Moon Evidence)

1. If the Earth’s rotation is slowing beyond what is being admitted,
   then the days between Full Moons should be increasing.  Yet this seems
   to be on schedule.

BUT: Analysis of Moon phase charts provided by the Navy show
manipulation in their predictive data, starting in 1994.  EVIDENCE of

1a: Troubled Times heard from Frank in February, 1999 that the Full Moon
    was coming EARLY, per his observation, with 98% of the Full Moon visible
    on February 28, waxing gibbous, a full day EARLY.  

    Full Moon on 1 January 1999 at 6:51 p.m. Pacific 
    Standard Time. ... Full Moon on 31 January 1999 
    at 8:08 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. [29.5 days later, 
    a normal span] ... Phase of the Moon on 28 February: 
    waxing gibbous with 98% of the Moon's visible disk
    illuminated. [only 28.5 later, a day SHORT]. 
         Courtesy, U.S. Naval Observatory [data]
    (page at

1b: Troubled Times member Mike ran up a chart of the Navy stats from
    1990 to 2001 and found the Moon likewise coming EARLY during that
    decade, with something bizarre happening around 1994.
    (chart at

1c: Troubled Times member Mike then analyzed Navy data from 1950, which
    showed the Full Moon coming LATE up until 1983, when Planet X was
    sighted by the IRAS team, and thereafter the DATA reported it as coming
    EARLY.  Manipulation in anticipation of a radical slowing trend as 2003
    approached had begun!
    (chart at

1d: And the manipulation of data SINCE 1983 is clear.
    (chart at

And the Zetas explained:

    The existence of publications on the phases of the Moon 
    and related Eclipse projections forced the Navy to make 
    early adjustments for the lagging rotation of the Earth. 
    These publications rely on the Navy, the time-keeper of
    the world, in practice if not officially. When Planet X 
    was located in 1983 by the IRAS team, various 
    scenarios were played out in think-tanks, covering a 
    multitude of aspects. As the time-keepers of the world, 
    the Navy had already noticed a slowing rotation, so 
    slight as to pass notice by the general public. Tasked 
    with keeping the public unaware of the approach of 
    Planet X for as long as possible, the Navy determined:
     1. to inject leap-seconds surreptitiously via its master 
        clock. Since the Internet and networking computer 
        systems synchronize with this master clock, most 
        often on an automated basis, daily, these adjustments
        would be slight and pass notice. 
     2. to defer scrutiny of this activity by setting aside the 
        official leap-second insertion practice. This deferral 
        was requested by the Navy but did not get broad 
        support from its member community. 
     3. to adjust predicted dates and times for the Moon 
        and related Eclipses forward so that by the time 
        alarm over the potential of a Planet X approach was
        under discussion around the world, the relationship
        of the Moon to the Earth would seem to dispel the 
        notion that the Earth was slowing. 

    Thus, they changed their predicted data to assume a 
    slowing Earth, and hoped their calculations on the rate 
    of slowing were correct. Of key importance were 
    publications that put out 5 year or 1 year forward 
    stats on phases of the moon and eclipses. These 
    publications plan their printed matter at least a full 
    year ahead, updating with the very latest data from the
    Navy projections during that year. Thus, when 
    anticipating the worst of the slowing to occur in 2002, 
    and assuming a 5 year forward publication to be the 
    most broadly accessed after a yearly calendar, and 
    adding that extra year for publication preparation, and
    considering that 5 year forward publications for 2002 
    would start at the first of the year, they calculated that
    changes to their stats needed to be done by the end of 
    1994. These manipulations did two very obvious things
    to their stats:

     1. the actual phases of the Moon were out of sync 
        with their stats during 1995 and for the immediate
        years following. However, since the public in general
        refers to printed matter that had been printed much 
        earlier, and was based on Navy stats gathered prior 
        to the manipulation, this would likely not be noticed
        by the public. 
     2. the Navy stats related to the rotation of the Earth 
        (the phases of the Moon and Earth Seasons), would
        be out of sync with past data, should someone run 
        these numbers.

            ZetaTalk™, Slowing Rotation