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Planet X: ORBIT Perturbation: Response

We are here addressing Charlene’s need to respond to her professor re
his statement that Planet X will disturb the Earth’s orbit such that it
might sling into the Sun and fry.

    To understand why planets in orbit around a sun
    hold the positions they do, humans must imagine
    factors they are not yet aware of, but can infer
    from the behavior of these planets - for instance,
    the orbital plane.

    - The orbital plane has planets slinging out from
      the middle of a rotating sun, as the rings of
      Saturn do around its middle, because of a
      FLOW that is slung out from the rotating body
      that thence returns into the rotating body at the
      poles.  The planets in the orbital plane slung out
      from the middle of the sun are thus HELD
      AWAY by this sling.

    - Planets do not flow with the sling round to the
      poles of the sun, because this would involve a trip
      too far away from the sun, a gravitational giant,
      before the trip back.  The gravitational draw here
      can be envisioned as a string from the center of
      the sun to the planet.

    - Planets move, in concert, in a clockwise or
      counterclockwise direction around a sun due to
      sweeping arms that reach out from the core of the
      rotating sun, brushing the planets before them.
      These sweeping arms can be envisioned as the
      spokes of a wheel.

    - Planets STAY in the orbital plane and do not
      drift to either side because of what we will refer
      to as eddy currents.  The sling out is not solely
      at the waist of the rotating sun but slings out
      at a diminishing rate on either side, but the rate
      outward is greater at the waist.  Thus, when the
      material being slung out from the middle of the
      rotating sun tries to escape to the sides, it is
      caught and pulled BACK by the slower pace of
      the material at the sides, creating a circular eddy
      current that returns it to the waist of the rotating
      sun. This eddy current can be envisioned as
      floatsam on a river and the manner in which this
      gets drawn into the center of the river, where the
      fastest flow occurs.

    - Planets find their nitch in all this based on more
      than gravity or magnetism factors, as there are
      thousands of forces that affect the placement of
      bodies free to move about in space.  The entry of
      a new planet INTO the orbital plane would results
      in a bumping outward or compressing inward of
      existing planets as this new planet encountered the
      others during their journeys around the sun, until
      no further adjustments were required and an
      equilibrium was established.

    Now in this drama, place Planet X, inbound and
    making a fast passage through the solar system.  It is
    first affected by the eddy currents, which are in greater
    turmoil at a distance from the sun where the sling
    outward is reduced and the eddy currents thus creating
    wider circles.  This causes Planet X to draw up into
    the orbital plane early in its approach.  It is then caught
    in the sweeping arms, going with them in a
    counterclockwise manner until coming closer and
    picking up speed it finds the arm sweep faster and
    stronger such that it is bumped back during the arm
    passage, essentially skipping over the arm.  This causes
    Planet X to assumes a retrograde motion during its
    approach. It then encounters an increasingly strong
    flow of the material slinging out from the waist of the
    sun, while at the same time being drawn increasingly
    by the sun’s gravitational field.  This causes Planet X
    to drop below the ecliptic, to escape the outward sling
    of this material.  Finally, when the point of passage
    arrives, Planet X is zipping through the solar system
    at a 32 degree angle from the ecliptic, traversing the
    solar system in 3 short months.  In this passage, it is
    the lessor influence on the planets in the solar system,
    who are listening the the sun’s influence almost
    entirely during their orbits.  Planet X is a bully,
    elbowing his way through a crowd, but affecting only
    those unfortunate to be in his way or close enough to
    feel, directly or indirectly, the shoving and pushing.