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Re: Planet X: MAY Coordinates

In Article <> Mark Folsom wrote:
> What's its magnitude?

In Article <> Michael L Cunningham wrote:

> If you refuse to view Hale-Bopp through a similar size
> scope a few years ago, how are you getting these
> coordinates? What magnitude and size (in arc seconds)
> is the famous non-existent planet at now?

In Article  <> Sam Wormley wrote:
> What is the source of these coordinates with an accuracy
> (or should I say resolution) of 36 thousanths of an arcsecond?
> Who determined these coordinates and what Epoch are they in?

The 3 individuals who reported sighting Planet X used coordinates given by
the Zetas (see Message <> Planet X SIGHTED
by 3 Observatories!), so unless you're calling these folks liars, its
NOT a non-existent planet.  The Zetas are advising setting equipment for
Magnitude 10 or a higher number, and filtering FOR red (not filtering
red out).  Its size is smaller than Pluto at present, and it is NOT
reflecting sunlight as Pluto is, at present.  This is my understanding.
I don't know what Epoch is.  Is this refering to what part of the Earth
a person is viewing from?  Look around these coordinates, as the folks
sighting Planet X reported they had to look close to the coordinates at
times, as reported in that SIGHTED posting referenced above.

I don't own a scope, have never peeked into one, and would not know
which end to look through, frankly.  I put the concepts the Zetas give
to me into words.  This is not hearing voices in my head, as some who
would like this message debunked term it, as it is not a SOUND based
message.  It's a telepathic concept, which I must translate into words
or diagrams.  In the case of coordinates, I use a SkyMap image, the one
at the Path page ( and get
the notion that the path is moving here or there, and then get more
precise.  It takes a long time for me to get complicated concepts down,
and in that the problem is ME, as if I'm not oriented I can't grasp the
concept, and if I don't grasp it correctly I certainly can't communicate

An example of the stuggle, and the communication problems, is when a
friend was trying to help me get a diagram of the passage, (now at pages
called 32 Degree Angle and
Point of Passage  I was
putting the concept into words, and Jack kept coming back for more info,
and after a couple weeks of this I decided to draw up in PC Paintbrush
the concept that the Zetas were giving me.  I had Planet X coming DOWN
from above the ecliptic, and the planets going round the sun in a
clockwise motion.  Well, Zeta Reticuli is on the Orion side of the
ecliptic, and apparently the Zetas though of that as UP, a point I was

So the communication is not perfect, but it has a good track record. See
the ZetaTalk Accuracy TOPIC fans maintain in Troubled Times
( for some examples. Part
of the problem with the Hale-Bopp episode was that I, Nancy, had it in
my head that the object being pointed to was a nova long after the Zetas
were stating that a real comet was not being pointed to.  If one reads
the actual words of the Zetas, they are on target, but I was personally
behind the curve. This is why putting the ZetaTalk concepts into Greek,
or math (I don't speak math either), is something I don't attempt. But
being behind the curve doesn't prevent the ZetaTalk message from being
correct, as in all ZetaTalk the Zetas must be satisfied with the words I
come up with to describe the concept they are relaying.  Read THEIR
words, ZetaTalk, rather than talk to Nancy, for best results.

An example of Nancy being behind the curve, but the concept being
relayed correctly, is my understanding of WHY the Earth stops its
rotation, during the passage, with the Atlantic facing the Sun.  I just
reported this in 1995, and some physics guy on the East Coast pointed
out to dumb me that the part of the crust becoming the new poles would
be dependent upon WHAT part of the Earth faces the Sun when rotation
stops.  Jaw dropped (he was quite right!) I went for clarification and
the info on the magnetic nature of the lava in the Atlantic rifts was
added to the ZetaTalk site.  It gets gripped by Planet X as it passes
between the Earth and the Sun.  So here I relayed the concept, the
result, without understanding the mechanics, but relayed the concept