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Planet X Cover-Up: Rationale?

In Article <> Ken Cox wrote:
> Which part of "improvements in the measured masses of the
> outer planets showed the orbits to be just fine, and not
> perturbed by a large unknown planet" did you not understand?

The rationale.

The masses of these outer planets are not “measured”, they are estimated
or computed!  They’ve been computed BASED on their orbits and the
perturbations they caused upon each other.  Taking ALL of that into
account, there still was an unknown factor causing perturbations.  If
tweaking the weight of the outer planets explained those perturbations
away, then why, for centuries, did astronomers conclude that a LARGE
mass was out there perturbing them?  Something larger than Pluto, when
it was discovered, which is why the search continued.

Why did NASA and JPL go about looking for this large mass?  Are they
dumb on math?   Didn’t they play with the model, adding a bit of weight
here or there to see if this addressed the perturbations?  ALL those
astronomers, over the centuries, did not play with the model?

Planet X went away because it was found, and like the President in the
movie Deep Impact, when he finally gets around the telling the public
about what’s about to mess up their day, who “didn’t want to tell you
until we had a solution”, they have been stuck on that point. They have
no solution, and meanwhile they don’t want your messy panic, so please
just continue to pay your taxes and don’t question their silly
explanation of where Planet X when to.