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Re: Shepherds of the Sheep of sci.astro

In Article <> P. Edward Murray wrote:
> Anytime a new asteroid or comet is found, the discoverer
> watches the object closely (noting the position,movement
> and magnitude) and files a report to Brian Marsden or
> Dan Green at CBAT (Central Bureau of Astronomical
> Telegrams)in Cambridge, MA. New asteroids or Kuiper
> objects would be listed in the Minor Planet circulars too.
> If the object is dim it might be picked up by a few
> "automated" search groups like LINEAR. Or perhaps,
> one of the handful of Comet discoverers.

Right, the establishment would have NO reason to lie (or rather just not
make an announcement) about this.  Bank failures, the inability of any
government to care for its peoples, panic in the streets - NO reason to
withhold such an announcement. However, the coverup is well documented.
It was called Planet X, announced on the front page of the Washington
Post, December 31, 1983, having been discovered by the IRAS team which
was LOOKING for it, the object that was causing:
1. all our planets to lean in the direction of Orion (eliptical, not
   circular, orbits)
2. the outer planets to perturb beyond what Pluto’s weight would answer
3. the search for such an object that had been ongoing since before the
   discovery of Pluto, for hundred’s of years.

Washington Post
Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered

   A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter
   and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this
   solar system has been found in the direction of the
   constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the
   U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the
   object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant
   comet, a nearby "protostar" that never got hot
   enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is
   still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so
   shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars
   ever gets through. “All I can tell you is that we don't
   know what it is” Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief
   scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and
   director of the Palomar Observatory for the California
   Institute of Technology said in an interview.

When it was found, the cover-up started.  But lately, at least the
astronomers in Britain have openly called the NASA and JPL cover-up
hogwash.  Please check out the Troubled Times web site for the Cambridge
Conference TOPIC and Rogue Planet TOPIC.  They no longer even pretend
that these US agencies are truthful.

A Mystery Revolves Around the Sun
MSNBC, Oct 7, 2000

   Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence
   of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a
   distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the
   orbits of the nine known planets. The theory, which
   seeks to explain patterns in comets’ paths, has been put
   forward in research accepted for publication in two
   separate journals. For some time, astronomers have
   noticed that the directional patterns of these comets are
   not completely random. And after years of study, some
   researchers are reporting that the patterns hint at
   something big out there perturbing the cometary paths. ...

For those that are still NASA and JPL fans, who will NOT BELIEVE that
a cover-up might be ongoing, just why is it that NASA is SO HOT to
get a manned mission to Mars by early 2003?  Earthquakes are on the
increase here on earth, the weather is tearing the planet up and causing
crop shortages world wide, but the most important thing is to get OFF
the damn planet by 2003?  Leaving you’all behind, in your ignorance, to
deal with a pole shift, I might add.  So much for the truthfulness and
caring of your dear taxpayer supported agencies.  Just pay your taxes
and stay dumb, that’s the message to you, dear Sheep of sci.astro.