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Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article: <5caj0s$>
From: )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 24 Jan 1997 15:03:56 GMT

In article <5c1ktb$> Greg Neill writes:
>Nancy ( wrote:
>> The planets all revolve in one direction, lining up on an ecliptic
>> plane with each other, are affected by more greatly when of a
>> smaller size (i.e. revolve more rapidly) - ALL facts that line up
>> better with the Zetas explanation than any YOU can offer, which
>> by the way is nil.
> Except that the smallest planet of the lot -- Pluto -- orbits
> at a *much* slower pace than any of the others. ... A little
> observation on your part would turn up the fact that the orbital
> speed of the planet is not related to the rotational speed of the
> Sun (about 25 days), nor to the mass of the planet, but is
> instead intimately linked to the planet's distance from the Sun.
> (Greg Neill)

Yeah, I should learn to keep my mouth shut and let the guys with the big brains handle this matter - the Zetas. In fact, if you check the ZetaTalk web site for the piece on Retrograde Orbits

you'll see that the graphic I did up under instructions from the Zetas have the sweeping arm fat near the Sun and thinning the farther away it gets, kind of like OUR arms if pointed outward from the body, tapering to the fingers, etc. So the sweep would have less push, the farther out.

In article <5c1ktb$> Greg Neill writes:
> Actually, the Earth's core has been seen to rotate at a very
> slightly different rate than the crust. I haven't the reference
> at hand, but if memory serves, the difference amounts to about
> a five degree difference over 100 years (corrections, anyone?).
> > (Greg Neill)

I read that recently too, this past year. It was a study done over several decades between a US University and one in Japan, recording waves bounced off the inner core of the Earth during earthquakes. Troubled Times points to a web site from their linking page, The Word, in the Geological Changes section at

in relationship to the slowing rotation of the Earth, as this finding so nicely demonstrates that the Earth's rotation is DRIVEN by the turning of the core, a point the Zetas made in their piece explaining what causes Rotation. The web site we point to for the information you reference, Greg, is