sci.astro Debates!
- The Zetas have debated astronomers on the international sci.astro Usenet message boards. Three debate sessions have been documented:
- Spring 1997 debating Newton, Astrophysics, Tunguska, and Hale-Bopp
- Spring 1998 debating Planet X (aka 12th Planet), Eliptical Orbits, and the Repulsion Force
- Spring 2001 debating Planet X Sighting/Coordinates, Pole Shifts, Tunguska, Repulsion Force, Crop Circles
- Fall 2001 debating Planet X Disinfo, Brown Dwarfs, Ice Ages, Tunguska, Solar Magnetism, Great Pyramids, Pole Shifts, Slowing Rotation,
Spin, ZetaTalk Accuracy, and Observatory Closings/Refusals
- Spring 2002 debating Planet X Imaging in January of 2002, Cover-up Friends/Foes, ZetaTalk Accuracy, and Viewing Times
- Fall 2002 debating Planet X Sightings, imaging with amateur equipment (see TEAM page for documentation), ZetaTalk accuracy
- Spring 2003 debating Planet X Sightings