| TOPIC: Rogue Sighting
ZetaTalk states this is a Comet Visible and states 2003 will be the next passage, with unaided eye visibility by April, 2003. The Zetas provided the Path of
this inbound planet and the degree of Variance from this graphic of the path to anticipate. For those doing a serious look, the Zetas have provided the
Coordinates (Convert to degrees), and the Visibility Factors (including Offset factor), and the latest sci.astro Viewing Specs on the Smoldering and Red
nature of the planet, viewing History, Passage, summarize it all. Viewing in 2000 and 2001 are aided by Side of the Eye viewing. During May-June, 2002 the
spot was In The Sun, but could be viewed by amateurs by Fall, 2002. An observatory Sighting was first made based on these Zeta coordinates on Feb 7,
2001, followed by a Second sighting on April 1, 2001. The Zetas explain, Why Now? A Third sighting encountered stalling, and the Zetas explain, Why
Stalling? On Jan 5, 2002, Imaging began, a New Object, Absent before, identified at the Zeta coordinates, and on Jan 19, 2002 a Second Image showed the
object Moving. Details on these and subsequent sightings on the TEAM page. It approaches from Orion at an ultimate 32 Degree Angle to the ecliptic,
assuming a Retrograde Orbit. The riddle of why Sitchen feels it may approach from Sagittarius has been solved. The Point of Passage has been diagramed.
The 12th Planet has a Reddish Glow and has a visible Magnitude, though until 6 months before passage will not be that Bright due to its Distance from Earth.
The Troubled Times TEAM established to search for the 12th Planet has calculating the passage based on a Table of Distance based on Variables in an
Equation taking into consideration the Orbit and Transit Time. A pending Asteroid Pass points the public to Orion, encouraging a Look-See. Download a trial
copy of SkyMap or get an Actual Photo or Live View of the sky.