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Snail Mail/Mission Statement Letter Draft

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Dear _____________,

Thank you for your interest in the Troubled Times organization. The following is a 
brief description of our premise and mission.
Troubled Times believes that a world-wide cataclysm, of massive proportions,
will strike the Earth in the year 2003. The cause of this natural event will be a 
monster planet, known to the ancients but as yet undiscovered by modern man, 
which will pass very near the earth as part of its normal 3,600 year orbit around the sun.

The ancient's called this monster the 12th Planet, and as this magnetic giant 
passes by, it will force our North and South Poles to rotate 90 degrees.
The shifting poles will drag the Earth's crust with them, ultimately producing 
a new global map in a matter of hours in a massive cataclysm affecting
all life on earth. These events have occurred before, as ancient legends and 
Prophecies fortell, creating what man interprets to be ice ages, wandering poles 
and the flood, and have resulted in the extinction of the Mastodon and the sinking 
of Atlantis.
Mankind survived these past cataclysms, some because they were lucky, and others 
because they foresaw events and took precautions. To prepare for this
event, Troubled Times, a volunteer organization, was formed. The Troubled 
Times mission is to place into the public record a set of solutions for survival 
into the next century, solutions that are affordable, attainable, and
which will produce a healthy lifestyle in the Aftertime. All these solutions can 
be found on our website on the Intenet, located at the address 

The main points of the vast amount of information on that website, have been 
recently condensed into a handy survival booklet. The booklet is published by 
Troubled Times Inc., a nonprofit corporation dedicated to gathering this material 
and organizing it into a presentable form. The low price of this booklet is intended 
only to cover its publishing costs. If you're interested in ordering this booklet, please 
send $_______ to the address: ____________________________________ , or 
use the form below. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery.

Sincerely yours,

Troubled Times, Inc.
A Nonprofit Corporation


(Page 2)

In answer to your question about ___________________________________ :





Sincerely yours,

Troubled Times, Inc.
A Nonprofit Corporation


(Page 3)


To: Troubled Times, Inc.

Please send me _______ copies of the Troubled Times survival booklet, at

$________ each.

Enclosed is my check/money order for $_____________.

Name: _________________

Address: ______________________________________________

Signature: ________________________

(Please allow four to six weeks for delivery. )