Board Meeting
May 15, 2005
The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:00 UT. Those attending: Roger, (chairing President), Gerard, Nancy, and Mary.
- Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting - Approval
- - Since there were no objections, the Minutes of the last Board Meeting were considered ratified as correct.
- Agenda Item 2: $1,000 Donation - Discussion and VOTE
- - The donation was accepted, with a thank you note to be included with the CD's requested.
- Agenda Item 3: Projects Review Discussion
- - 868 Booklets have been distributed, 199 CD's distributed, with $700 in the Paypal and postage accounts at present. CD and Booklet
inventories are adequate at present.
- - after much discussion on the Troy-Bilt tiller busted crank shaft, a motion was made THAT the tiller be stored until a future date with another
motion made THAT the it be considered scrap for whatever disposition seems best. The second motion accepted by the Board.
- - the Canadian short wave antenna is currently down due to relocation needs,
- - a UNIX expert has been located to load OS into the Kansas server, which will be configured for an email and FTP server.
- Agenda Item 4: Adjournment
- - The meeting was adjourned at 20:07 UT.