Board Meeting
June 30, 2002
The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:11 UT. Those attending: Brent (President, and chairing the meeting);
Shirley, Roger, Gerard, Stan.
- Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting Approval
- - Since there were no comments or questions concerning the minutes of the last meeting, they were considered ratified
as correct.
- Agenda Item 2: Booklet Production Discussion
- - Roger stated that regarding discounts at Kinkos, money would be saved only by purchasing 500 booklets.
- - Regarding the concern with quality control, it was Rogers opinion that, because Kinkos got confused with the count
and had to assemble 50 booklets in short order, we could have been the victims of haste. It was agreed that a spot
check by Roger before sending the Booklets to Mary would save double postage. Mary checking them first, then
sending the bad ones back to Roger, whereas Roger can just take any bad ones right back to source. Double
spot-checking by Roger and Mary might also be beneficial, especially since we are now charging $5.00 per Booklet.
- - The Board had no comments concerning this charge, which was put in place between last meeting and the present
one, as the result of an email vote.
- Agenda Item 3: Progress of Short Wave radio Project Monthly Report
- - The report had been submitted earlier and was linked off the agenda; there were no comments or questions.
- Agenda Item 4: Rogers Acreage Project Report
- - Of some concern is the difficulty of watering in the current dry spell.
- - Roger suggested the Board approve purchase of a water tank, but with the money in the discretionary fund, it was
agreed Roger should just purchase it.
- - Roger and/or Stan will fill the Board in on the details of the purchase, if made, at the next Board meeting.
- Agenda Item 5: Sun Server Discussion
- - Since Gerard was on holiday over the last three weeks, he hasnt much knowledge concerning this server; but in any
case it was to be sent to Jurian who would have dealt with it. Jurian is no longer involved with the Inc.; therefore it is
not known at this particular point if the server is still a viable or useful donation.
- - It was eventually decided that if Gerard receives any more information on it, he will let us know at the next meeting.
If nothing more appears concerning the server, it may be a dead issue; although the Inc. could probably still find a use
for it.
The Board meeting was adjourned at approximately 19:11, UT.