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To provide easy to follow instructions on how to fashion clothing in 'primitive' circumstances. Instructions to be in the form of text and photos, possibly video.

Detail of Items

Raise, process and spin cotton. I already have some cotton seeds coming to plant next year. Cost: none.
Raise, process and spin flax. Haven't been able to find flax seed yet; will keep looking.
Mending and Darning:
Seems pretty basic to me, but it occurs to me a lot of people may not know how to do these things. Demonstrate how to mend holes in clothing by hand. Cost: none.
Demonstrate how to crochet a pair of socks. Materials needed: crochet hook and yarn (both already in my possession). Cost: none. Current status: one sock made.
Demonstrate how to fashion moccasin type footwear; goal is one pair low topped and one pair knee-high footgear. Materials needed: leather. Have some old leather coats that should serve for this purpose. Cost: none.
Demonstrate how to make felt and construct one pair of pants from the felt. Materials needed: wool. Number of fleece needed: I really don't know. Would like to err on the high side and say 10. Cost: estimate $5 per fleece. I know a farmer that will sell me some, I just don't know how many fleece it will take.
Demonstrate how to fashion a shirt using rudimentary weaving techniques. Materials needed: yarn, basic loom. Should have enough yarn on hand. Cost: Maximum $20 for loom parts; if yarn is needed, maximum $20.
Demonstrate how to spin wool into yarn. Materials needed: wool, spindle, possibly carding brushes. Cost for wool: see above. Cost for spindle: can be purchased for as little as $10, but it would make more sense to try to make one myself - not everyone will have one before the pole shift. So probable cost is none. Cost for carding brushes: commercially available ones are horribly expensive. Would try to improvise with a set of dog brushes, estimated cost: $12. but would try 'finger carding' first. Also want to experiment with making a basic spinning wheel from an old bicycle. Maximum for parts: $20.
Demonstrate how to process a fur pelt into tanned fur. Materials needed: one road-kill animal and a strong stomach. Cost: none. NOTE: Hubby is not impressed with this project. I might just have to get info from a person who said on TT forum he knew how to do it.

Cost Estimate

Fleece$5010(?) @$5
Loom Parts$20
Carding Brushes$12
Spinning Wheel Parts$20

Time Table

To begin in November, 2000. Should be completed by April, 2001.


Oct 22, 2000
I have already done one prototype sock, need to do the next one with photos taken, possibly video. I took some video of a woman spinning at a craft show, but I've discovered there is a problem: the videos end up being pretty damn big to put on a web page, because the viewer has to download them, and it will take forever. I'll see what I can do about trimming; still don't know much about my video camera yet.