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Lou Gentile Show (Part 4)
August 27, 2004
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link Lou!
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.
LOU: [Has rotation slowing started appreciably?]
NANCY: No, slowing rotation has not started. Actually, we had a little of that when we were on the opposite side of the solar system from where Planet
X was coming in, but now that its between us and the Sun, pretty much, pretty closely, we havent had that slow down, but our Slowing section does
tend to document the Earth wobble. And when we have Sweeps and wobbling, Ill get this from people who are reporting their timings from around the
world. Its fascinating to see how all this fits together. The way the Zetas have described the order, its first going to be the Earth wobble which were
having now, then were going to have dual 270 roll along the lines of, do go to the website and see this Azoth dragon and the way its tail is wending
around and it even shows what direction the roll will take, fascinating, then were going to line up closely with Planet X to where our Atlantic Rift is being
caught and jerked hard and we will slow to a stop. Those are the steps. So we have sunrise West and dual 270 rolls to expect before we have significant
slowdown in rotation.
LOU: [Because my uplink is to a satellite, and if we have slowed this uplink would not be happening.]
NANCY: Thats right, its a geo synch satellite, and this is correct. Once in awhile, on the Sweeps, where we have had a lurch, and people will report
they can feel it, you can see the whole globe has shuddered, you will have an outage of a whole swath of, like China will go out altogether. Now these live
seismos, Im sure, are picked up by geosynchronous satellites and beamed into USGS, and I take that to be a temporary disruption of where the sat is
located. But yeah, youre right, we have not had that, and our sats are still working.
LOU: [Will the coming Eclipse happen?]
NANCY: I take it thats with the Moon? The Moon has actually been, its hard to say, probably so, the Moon has actually been, it hugs the Earth. Its
not affected by Planet X as we are because were a big magnet, and its attempting to maintain its placement around our middle according to all those
dynamics that establish its orbit to begin with. Now, on occasion people will say the Moon is way North or way South, sometimes thats the way it
should be, or it seems to be laying on its back, sometimes thats the way it should be, but at other times it is abnormal, and Ive, about a month ago there
was a time when it was way too far South. I saw that myself. I thought it was a streetlight through the trees on the street to the South of us, thats how
low it was. It was not supposed to be that low, it was supposed to be about 20-30 degrees up. So on occasion its out of place, but it goes back, it finds
its middle again. And weve established that in the Orbits section of ZetaTalk, Ive documented what people have said, what people have taken photos
of, when it has been out of whack, but it goes back, so most likely it will be there for the Eclipse.
LOU: [Where is the Dark Twin now?]
NANCY: Its behind us. Actually, we were able to see it at two points. We were on the opposite side of the solar system, we stopped last December
25, and weve been sitting there, and it was well balanced on the side, and it came round. At first we thought it was what we called a blue persona. We
thought, well why is it blue because Planet X is reddish color, and then as it came close about 2-3 months later, people were seeing it as a blue flashing
star or something that grew to a large yellow blob, well reported. As a matter of fact, at the bottom of the Lou Gentile page, you will find it in May 25,
we talked about the Dark Twin and we have a couple photos from January 20 and from May 24. Thats what it looks like. But as it came around behind
us, it depends on, its a black hunk of rock. We dont see asteroids, and even when theyre zipping real close they surprise people and they zip by the
Earth and they say holy cow what was that, we didnt see it coming. So therefore, it is not really visible, depending on the angle of light reflection. So,
being off across the solar system and emerging from behind the Sun, or at a point maybe a quarter of the way around, in May, or maybe a little better
than a quarter way, the sunlight would reflect and go boink boink and bounce correctly. When it is close to us, the sunlight would not reflect at that sharp
angle and therefore we would see it less. And even when people were seeing it last May, it was hit or miss. It would be there and then it would
LOU: [Have you seen the Day the Earth Stood Still, and what do you think of it?]
NANCY: I think I did see that movie. And that was one of these dramatic, the aliens were trying to impress people. Of course, there was all this
resistance and panic. Were here to warn you and the like. Interesting parallel. Sometimes weve had, and you watch a lot of science fiction, certainly a
lot of the movies were getting lately, disaster movies, volcanoes in LA, Deep Impact, even the Day After Tomorrow is a very obvious warning about
sudden climate change. Theres been times when Im convinced that many, like Steven Spielberg or many authors are contactees, are often taken off the
Earth and introduced. I had lifeform orientation where I met the giant hominoid among others, and go into Star Wars and take a look at the weird aliens
shown in that one bar scene. That guy was probably taken and given an alien lifeform orientation also. I think many authors and film producers and the
like are contactees and its not by accident that there are some parallels to what man should be aware of now.
LOU: [What would it take for you to say this is all wrong, Planet X does not exist.]
NANCY: Well, everything that Im observing would have to go away and disappear. And I talk about the convergence of signs, this is something that I
myself see. I myself see these things. I have seen Planet X in the sky, March 26, 2003, as others did at that time when it came zooming into the solar
system. There would be no reason why I would do that. All these signs would have to go away, and theyre not, they keep converging, they keep coming
in, and they keep getting more dramatic. An example is the weather, and this is a small thing. In 1995 the Zetas described what would happen with the
weather, and it has exactly occurred according to their predictions. They were the only ones predicting this. Id like to ask this guy what its going to even
take for him to open his eyes and start questioning what theyre getting from the media. I dont think he will. Somebody who asks that kind of a question
is terrified of this message, and not looking and thinking for themselves.
LOU: [This is from Dr Postman. The constellations show that the orbit has not been affected or halted.]
NANCY: Well I went over that too, during the time we spend during the first hour, talking about if youre in your back yard, the whole night sky that you
see is what people, for instance, from the northern hemisphere would see overhead. The only reason we dont see constellations and the like is because
of the glare of the Sun in the way, but it is available to you, its there. And when the bulk of the Earth is blocking this glare, you can see those
constellations. Weve gone through this on my website in several places, documenting very carefully how you can see a constellation, and people are
seeing them differently. So it is possible, and this is, for him to say that its not. You have to take a globe, and consider that its like a porcupine and there
quills sticking out it all over the place. Youre one of those quills. And put a light somewhere and walk the globe around, or stand in place and tilt that
globe 45 degrees so that the N Pole instead of pointing away, is pointing toward the Sun simulating the Summer that weve had in the northern
hemisphere. And you will find that you can see those constellations with the changes that people have noticed, regularly. Weve got a number of them
documented. And the fact that everything is right is a mis-statement. Dr Postman is somebody who is a known debunker who will say its not so even
when the Earth has stopped rotating.
LOU: [You said by June the Dark Twin would cause a crisis.]
NANCY: Its actually behind us and it cannot because it shares our orbit, its locked into the orbit by all these particle flows and Repulsion Force, the
factors that hold planets in their orbits. It stopped behind us far enough that its not proceeding, its halted, were halted, its like a traffic jam. Venus was
pushed past for the transit because of the element of doubt, the Zetas have said that, but it is way too bright and way too close for the morning star.
People are stunned, looks like a plane coming in, taking photos of it. Venus is too close to us. and its not in its right place either. So all of these planets
have been affected by the presence of Planet X, which is far larger than Venus, Earth, and the Dark Twin, were all about the same size. 23 times the
mass, and thats a big heavyweight out there. Its a big magnet. Now, it did affect the Sweeps. If you go into the Sweeps section of ZetaTalk, we started
getting a ricochet, where instead of just boom, a shudder, wed get boom, and then 2 days later of 1.5 days later wed get boom. I called them 1-2-3
and sometimes 1-2-3-4 like ricocheting back and forth of these closely snugged planets whacking each other as these sweeps bumped them into each
other and bumped back and the like. Thats all explained in the Sweeps section, go take a look at it, folks.
LOU: [Do you know what lens flares are, and that many of the photos you have lens flares.]
NANCY: Yeah, I was early introduced to them. They tend to have characteristics where you can draw a line through a flare to the object that is flaring.
There is generally something on the other side too, and in a series of photos that lens flare will turn like a dial. And it can be confusing. And take a look at
the page that I developed for tonights lecture, and the Second Sun, thats not a lens flare. Take a look. I have another photo on there too, those are not,
maybe one of those items is a lens flare, something Alberto took in Italy on the 26th, yesterday morning. Those are three objects, the brightest one may
be a flare of the Sun. The other two are not. And those are the types of analyses we use. You can look at animations of photos, a series of photos taken
by Giusmar in Italy, and watch those moon swirls tumble. Thats not behaving like lens flares behave. So yes, that is a factor. I get an awful lot of people
get very excited about a bright orb from Katkam in Vancouver, and I say you actually watch the series of photos youll find that orb falls down over the
land and water. Thats a lens flare, and thats another way you can tell.
LOU: [Been a pleasure, dear, thanks for coming on.]
NANCY: Thanks again Lou, always a pleasure here.