Arizona Crevasse
July 14, 2004
- Quarter-Mile-Long Fissure opens North of Willcox
- Authorities today are investigating the cause of a fissure north of Willcox that spans a quarter mile and is up to five feet wide at
some points. The fissure was discovered Wednesday morning by a resident who told Cochise County Sheriff's deputies that he
awoke to loud rumbling and crackling overnight. He found a fissure near his home, that officials say appears to be expanding.
Authorities do not know how deep the fissure is, but Carol Capas, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department said it's too deep to
see the bottom. Only two homes are in the immediate area and no property is in imminent danger. Roads in the area have been
closed. Willcox is about 80 miles east of Tucson. Officials with various utility companies, including Southwest Gas and Tucson
Electric Power, have been called to the site along with officials from the University of Arizona to help determine what caused the
fissure and how to deal with it.