Tex writes:
On the question of discernment of peoples' motives and agendas. It reminds me of a time when I lived in a commune in the late 60's. No
drugs, and the core group were really more interested in sorting out problems and helping each other figure things out. We were young. We
had lots of surprise visitors from cities to our wilderness house by the sea. Friends who told friends who told friends. Usually 20 would show
up for meals, and never lift a finger to help maintain the place, not even to wash a dish! They always brought sleeping bags and flopped on
the property or on the floor.
We had a leader, a benevolent dictator, who would approach them after three days of being guests. He would tell them that if they liked it so
much here, wanted to stay, they would need to do chores like the rest of us. He would point outside to a weed-infested garden space. Start
there, he would say. And they would be gone before sundown. That garden space was never weeded, just in case we needed it for this reason.
Incarnations occur naturally, per the Zetas, even into plants and animals, but unless the physical body is capable of consciousness, as humans are, a
soul is not sparked.
Once sparked, reincarnations also occur naturally.
- ZetaTalk: Incarnations, written Dec 15, 1995
- Incarnations occur naturally and is the way [souls] get their start. The stuff of souls is everywhere, disbursed throughout the Universe,
but so disbursed it does not make a soul. Does a single strand of DNA constitute life? Yes and no. By itself it is a complex chemical, but
when combined with other DNA in a living organism it is considered life. The stuff of souls tends to gather in living things as the
environment is more interesting than non-living environments. It is not so much attracted to life as that it lingers, and thus begins to
accumulate. Without conscious intelligence it fails to establish a personality, a self, and after death of the life form disburses again.
Since incarnations are natural, when the forming entity is guided to a new body it sets up housekeeping willingly. This is a familiar
experience. Burning issues which were present when the entity left its former home, a dead or dying body, come to the fore, and the
forming entity is off again on the great exploration that life provides. Being incarnated is far more stimulating and fascinating than the
alternative, being disincarnate, at this stage.
For an incarnation to spark a soul, consciousness must be present.
This is defined as the ability to see OTHERS as separate from the SELF, so that interaction can occur.
This is different from the interaction that is driven by instinct.
- ZetaTalk: Being Conscious, written Jun 15, 2002
- To spark, the biological entity must have the capacity to envision itself as separate, and where many animals seem to have this trait,
they do not. A dog will understand that it is being yelled at by its master, or snarled at by the leader of the pack, and by groveling and
crawling away is indicating they seem to understand another has interacted with them, as a separate being. But this is instinctive
activity, this is not a discernment of separate biological entities. The dog has evolved to react in such a manner, to challenge until
certain signs are present, then to submit. Instinct is not consciousness. Biologically programmed reactions are not consciousness.
The spirit form, something the Zetas call the Stuff of Souls, transcends the physical and does not die, once sparked.
The soul gains mass and size during its many incarnations, becoming wise and massive eventually.
- ZetaTalk: Spirit Substance, written Mar 15, 1996
- What humans refer to as the soul, what is sometimes called the spirit, is not what is supposed by most humans. The soul has substance,
and grows in bulk early in its development as many incarnations, many lives, are experienced. This bulk cannot be gauged by humans,
who look upon one another as having equal souls, when nothing of the kind is the reality.
Some souls are so tiny and poorly constructed that they dissipate after the [first] incarnation, what we term aborted entities. This type
of soul may be present in many animals and even some plant forms, as the stuff of souls is dispersed throughout the Universe and
incarnations happen naturally.
Where the human eye cannot gauge the mass of another soul, the spirits gauge this very well. You know instinctively that another is old
and wise.
Spiritual growth occurs most rapidly early on via incarnations, but later this growth proceeds based on experiences outside of
incarnations, and incarnations are not needed for this purpose.
The soul not only has memory, it does not forget. It is not by accident that intelligent life forms have nerves, brains, and memory in the
form of chemical impressions. It is not by accident that this same structure is found for intelligent thought on all density levels. It is
intrinsic to the way the Universe is structured, and thus souls likewise have such structures.
The stuff of souls permeates all levels where matter can reside. Intelligent life forms come in many shapes and sizes, but all have brains
and nerves. Thus a soul can incarnate in a hominoid at one point in its development, and into quite another life form during another
incarnation, without any adaptation required.
The soul does not require food or nourishment as physical life forms do. The only outside reach required is to acquire more of the stuff
of souls, present everywhere in the Universe, when growth in bulk is occurring.
What is this about a young soul being either sparked so it takes shape and continues, or aborted?
What does it take for a young soul, a virgin soul experiencing its first incarnation, to spark?
- ZetaTalk: Spark, written Jun 15, 2002
- Unsparked souls are fuzzy, aware of themselves as separate entities from other humans or animals, but basically dazed and wandering
about, gap mouthed. They are taking it all in, as the first passage, the first tour, the first time visiting a place. Unless some matter
occurs to spark a soul, such as empathy for another in distress and a choice to sacrifice comfort of the self to assist the other, no
sparking occurs. A lazy life, lived in a local indolent with simple tasks, or taken out by early childhood illness, will not spark. There is a
greater percentage of unsparked souls in those continents or locales where life is a simple struggle, not industrialized, not in high
communication with other cultures. Thus, Third World countries have a higher percentage of unsparked souls. Thus, rural areas have
a higher percentage of unsparked souls that urban areas. Thus, the corridors of power almost invariably have older souls, as this is
deemed high drama.
And an abortion? This is not something done TO the young soul, but a natural occurrence, and
MOST young souls abort without being sparked, per the Zetas.
It is the sparked souls, which will reincarnate, which is the exception at the start.
- ZetaTalk: Aborted Entities, written Dec 15, 1995
- Does it happen that an incarnation in an intelligent species does not result in a [formed soul]? The spark is not lit, and after death
dissipation occurs. Souls spark or do not, and mostly do not in a virgin incarnation. The stuff of souls gathers in a conscious being,
because it finds the environment interesting. Some formation occurs, during the incarnation, but if the life has not been challenging
then it has not massed, and is prone to dissipation upon the death of the human. Once formed, however, [souls] do not dissipate.
Failure to form is due to a lazy or indolent lifestyle, lack of native intelligence, or lack of stimulation. In this regard, the challenging,
stressful life is a benefit, rather than a drawback.
Challenge can be viewed as puzzled to be solved, or very emotional situations, or situations requiring much determination. Thus, a
child crippled, determined to continue his role in the group, will be working a challenge, a puzzle, that requires mental work as well as
emotional accompaniment. At times, a soul sparks in a virgin incarnation when the human is old, is longing to help young mothers and
their infants but barely able to do so because of infirmity. At other times, as in the crippled child, the opportunity for sparking comes
early, and strengthens throughout the life. As we have stated, being born beautiful, and having a life without cares, is not the strongest
motivator for spiritual growth!
Earth is a world where souls are sparked, and thus is a school house for the early lessons, a Kindergarden.
- ZetaTalk: Incarnations, written Dec 15, 1995
- [The first] the lessons to be learned are to develop a concept of the self, a concept of the other, and to form an attitude toward
relationships with others.
Our stay on Earth, our first stop after soul birth when the soul is sparked, requires a decision.
To become empathetic and caring, or to stay self focused.
Those who chose the latter, to remain selfish, are simply not growing.
Like newborns, they remain focused solely on themselves.
The Zetas call these souls Service-to-Self, as they are serving themselves in the main, truly hardened STS souls thinking of others only about 5% of the
time, and 95% about themselves.
The Zetas call those souls who have chosen caring for others, practicing the Golden Rule, Service-to-Others, as they are serving others at least 50% of
the time.
The characteristics, caring vs selfishness, are not always easy to discern.
- ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics, written by Jul 15, 1995
- There is a common misunderstanding, that being that Service-to-Others is all bleeding heart concern and the Service-to-Self is snarling
greed. Nothing could be further from the truth. These animals come in various sizes and shapes. One must look for the key
characteristics, in fact, to even identify them. An example, look to ourselves. We are Service-to-Others Zetas. Do we not defend
ourselves? Do we not have particular goals we press? Do we lie down and let others walk all over us? Yet we are concerned for the
general welfare and work hard to improve this for ourselves as well as others.
Likewise, the Service-to-Self are often misunderstood. As we have mentioned elsewhere, they can be charming and diplomatic. The key
is the goal, not the goal stated, which may be packaged to appeal to those to be duped, but the actual goal. A reduction in pollution
laws, packaged as enabling employers to stay in business, is in fact a power play by those who resent any restrictions on their power.
The unemployment rate has nothing to do with this, but is waved about as a reason. Wives are familiar with the common husband
excuse for late hours and avoidance of home chores. The job requires this, and the wife should bear in mind who is slaving away to
bring home the bacon.
In sum, the Service-to-Others individual may be gruff, distracted, disheveled, and inaccessible. But what are they working toward?
How do they react when a truth test comes, where they must be willing to sacrifice themselves for others? Do they come through? And
the Service-to-Self individual may be suave, seemingly generous, even defending others. But when their welfare is lined up against
another, when they must truly share and words are asked to be replaced by actions, what then?
Actions are the key, how the individual acts when the chips are down, or acts in general.
Since a façade can be so easily worn by the selfish, the Zetas have given some examples on how to discern.
- ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics, written May 15, 1996
- A great deal of confusion reigns regarding the spiritual orientations, and how to determine whether someone is leaning in this direction
or that. Key characteristics may come into play when the chips are down, but this is seldom the situation and most of life allows the
true orientation to be masked by personality, subterfuge, or such structured situations that the orientation of the individual does not
have an opportunity to express.
Take the example of an office setting, where assignments are meted out to individuals but team work is stressed. To the manager, the
extroverted young man recently hired may seem to be doing more than his share, at least to hear him talk, as he has many stories
detailing how his expertise or enthusiasm for challenge came to the rescue of the group. But check with the individual members of the
team, and one learns that the reverse is true, as he was the one who required rescuing and feigned ignorance until other members of
the long-suffering team did his work for him. When he gets a raise and a nod, the team is puzzled, as it would not occur to them to
report him to the manager for taking more than he is giving. They considered him in need of help, a youth in need of guidance, and
took him under their wings. This type of going behind the back and taking credit is a frequent sign that the individual is operating
primarily in the Service-to-Self, or is heading in that direction.
* Take an example in the military, where soldiers train and then suddenly find themselves on the front lines in a conflict. During
training exercises, the officers in charge can be lead greatly astray by bravado in safe and controlled exercises. Those individuals who
excelled, exhorted their fellows to greater efforts, and who showed leadership are assumed to do the same in battle. Yet more often
than not, it is the quiet soldier who made no efforts to take the spotlight who must step into the fray and assume the true leadership
position. This de facto leader may find himself put into danger, deliberately, so the leader with the title can take credit afterwards.
Dead men tell no tales, and the record in combat stands at odds with the awards and promotions, so any rumors are discounted.
Placing someone else in danger to retain a title or position is a strong sign of an individual in the Service-to-Self, and rarely occurs
unless the individual has made their orientation decision.
* Take the example of a nurse, required by law and the rules of the hospital where she works to maintain life in her patients regardless
of the level of unremitting pain they are experiencing or the pleas they may be laying before her. She has at risk her job, her status, her
ability to support her family financially, and most certainly her freedom should she be persecuted under the law, but she determines to
listen to those pleas. Certain medications that sustain the living dead, the writhing mass of agony that is in a certain death march, are
flushed down the toilet rather than forced into the arm of the patient. Who is to know? Most certainly the patient, who can barely
speak except to whisper pleas, will not complain. This type of risk taking, when there is utterly no benefit to the self but rather great
risk to the self, is a strong sign of an individual in the Service-to-Other.
* Take the example of children in a household where the mother is ill, chronically so, and the children expected to assume her
responsibilities. The father works long and hard, and has no patience with chores undone. Some of the younger children need help with
their chores, especially as they fail to watch the clock and can be caught rushing to do them when father walks in. The oldest is a girl
who herself slips her chores to her younger siblings, leaving them half done so it is not clear who was inattentive. If this girl is to dry
and put away the dishes but another child is to set the table, she places the dried dishes on the table rather than into the cupboard,
confusing the issue. That her little brother gets whipped for pulling too many dishes out of the cupboard bothers her not. She thinks of
hairstyles and makeup and meeting the right boy at the mall. The chips can fall where they may. This type of lack of concern for others
can be attributed to inattention, but where one has seen a sibling whipped and can anticipate this in the future, it is not inattention but
lack of regard, a sure sign of an individual oriented to themselves, in the Service-to-Self.
* In this same example, one of the younger children, a boy, does half the chores for two of his siblings. He works with them, showing
them how to do the chores, and in this way not only makes sure the chores are done but are done to the exacting father's measure. In
this he doesn't take credit for the chores, but praises his siblings. He also gives up after-school games and parties to ensure that his
siblings aren't caught with poorly done chores, knowing the father is awash in fatigue and worry and can take all this out on the
household if given half an excuse. This boy, still only a child himself, is giving evidence of his strong orientation in the
Service-to-Others. The characteristics are not only that he is helping others, but that he seeks to make them strong and self sufficient
and will sacrifice his own pleasure to ensure that others do not suffer.
When ready to leave our first schoolhouse, Earth, souls who have been born here must be separated.
Else the selfish, given more technology, will use it to take more advantage of their good hearted neighbors.
Those who have been able to take advantage of others suddenly find themselves reincarnated into Hell,
where they must live among others like themselves.
This is, in fact, what Hell is, the self centered living among their own kind.
Heaven, of course, is where the caring and empathic have only others of a like mind about.
Heaven and Hell, truly of our own making.
- ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars, written May 15, 1996
- Within the Service-to-Self all-out battles for supremacy occur when superiority is not clear. Both want to be top dog, and the ruling
masters are willing to send in and sacrifice their minions. This situation needs no explanation, as human wars are equivalent in most
respects. Warfare in human history has been as brutal as the restraints on the warlords will allow. They want at their command virtual
killing machines who have no remorse or hesitation, but what human warlords most often get are procrastinating generals and
deserting troops, even when the mission can be cloaked in humanitarian terms. Soldiers hesitate to kill, and generals hope for
compromise or a bloodless capitulation. But what if there were no reluctance or hesitation, as where there is no remorse one does not
hesitate. What if the warlords on both sides had their perfect soldiers? Put this emotional climate into the high tech arena that exists
[after graduation from spiritual Kindergarden] and what follows is a Service-to-Self leveling war. It is called thus as this is the result,
the survivors ultimately finding their level in relationship to the other group, with one standing above the other.
In these wars the soldiers are not motivated out of loyalty or a commitment to ideals, they are all like gladiators - kill or be killed. A
soldier who refuses to be the perfect killing machine for his master is made an example, and a quick and painless death is out of the
question. Human wars see the use of biological weapons such as nerve gas, nuclear bombs, maiming devices such as mines,
psychological weapons such as reminders of home and comfort, and various wearing techniques such as starvation. Intergalactic wars
between Service-to-Self groups are more brutal and direct, with complete destruction in the wink of an eye the goal.
Thus, the Service-to-Self groups, when establishing their pecking order, frequently brutalize and decimate each other, just as
establishing the pecking order within a Service-to-Self group results in brutality and maiming if not death. The pecking order is thus
established, and maintained with the same heavy handed methods so that a visitor to a Service-to-Self camp would think it remarkably
peaceful, not seeing what came before. Service-to-Self ranks are rebuilt from the orphanages where all their youngsters are raised,
procreation temporarily stepped up until the count of physical bodies approximates the 4th Density Service-to-Self entities incarnating
within the group. All is peaceful again until some factor or another changes the power structure. All this is viewed from afar by
Service-to-Other groups, who are aware of the battles but as they cannot be affected, essentially disinterested.
So should we, as the Rolling Stones say, have Sympathy for the Devil?
Someone, as they say, were generals during wars to encourage maiming of innocents?
Lets listen to a few words, from the Album Beggars Banquet, Sympathy for the Devil.
Meanwhile, those finding themselves in Heaven, on a caring and empathetic world
such as the Earth is to become in the future,
find many of the constraints they lived under in the past removed.
- ZetaTalk: Without Money, written by Jul 15, 1995.
- Money is nonexistent in 4th Density Service-to-Others. Let us explain why this would be so. What is money? A medium of exchange.
Something of consistent value, or at least stable value, which allows the barter system to take place in a more abstract manner. If one
grows and markets apples, for instance, they do not have to haul around a bag of apples in order to purchase milk or pay the rent,
although this option is still open to the apple grower. Without money, the apple grower must haul apples about, and this is tiresome
and such matters as spoilage must be dealt with. However, the existence of money, which has been called the root of all evil, supports
activities that give no value in and of themselves.
What benefit, truly, are the virtual gambling casinos that go by names such as Stock Exchange, Commodity Market, or Bond Market?
This benefits those who can manipulate faster, or with a more clever sleight of hand, but benefit the overall not one wit. These
activities are in fact parasitic on the overall, as the operators must be fed and housed, yet contribute nothing. Often, in fact, they
benefit at the expense of the very people who should benefit - those who produce. The principal beneficiaries of money gambling
arenas are those already wealthy, who hire clever gamblers who in the main stop at nothing to succeed. The laws governing this
activity do not stop lies, theft, or evasion of regulation. This is due to the pressure and inducements that the wealthy place on
legislators. The little guy loses, again.
So, how do 4th Density societies function without money, a medium of exchange? Money is used to indicate to others what the
individual has earned or has a right to spend. However money is presented, whether cash, a line of credit, a credit card with a balance
under the credit limit, antiques or jewelry with an appraised value, real estate with an appraised value - all indicate that the holder can
spend or exchange goods to this amount. What this also means is that without such proof of worth, the individual cannot spend, and is
on charity. At this point the individual gets free food and lodging from either the government or charitable organizations, or goes out
on the street as so many do. For simplicity's sake, you can consider 4th Density Service-to-Others to operate as though everyone were
a charity case. We will be explicit.
The apple grower, when in need of some item other than the apples he grows, simply goes and takes them. Likewise, others simply
come and take apples, as needed. If there are too few apples, then there is distress communicated telepathically and a meeting of the
group is called, or perhaps the issue has come up during the regular meetings. As there is distress, others in the group weigh their
current activities in light of the new need, and discuss alternatives. Essentially, someone who may be on sabbatical in order to devote
to learning may cut this short to assist, or someone who has taken responsibility for doing laundry may find they have extra time on
their hands, and volunteer. Or, it may be that in weighing the activities of all, the conclusion of the group is that apples are of less
importance, and an agreement is reached to parse the existing supply out more carefully.
In this way, money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this works just fine.
Where are we on Earth, now, present day? Neither Heaven or Hell, but a schoolhouse where young souls are to make their decision, to be caring or
self focused.
But the school term ends shortly, because of the coming pole shift, when a massive die-off of 90% of the Earth's population will occur.
This has been administratively scheduled to be the Transformation period for the Earth, a type of graduation, and thereafter to be a home for the STO.
What Jesus described as the meek, inheriting the Earth.
This Transformation takes some time, as each human is allowed to live out their lifetime, to complete their current incarnation.
In the meantime, due to the pending separation of the spiritual orientation, those who are caring or self serving become increasingly polarized.
- ZetaTalk: Gradual Change, written Nov 15, 1995.
- Polarization in the main goes on undetected, with humans migrating to areas they sense will be more compatible with their thinking.
Humans join groups, decide what shops to shop in, take walks in this or that park, all based on orientation, increasingly. Political
groups, religious affiliations, all are affected by orientation leanings. Decisions as to what groups to belong to, what locales to live in,
what employer to work for, are made daily based on the sense the human has that their chosen orientation fits in.
· a group plays ball, hard, with ridicule of those losing, and another plays ball for exercise, and ensures that all attending get a fair
physical workout.
· a political party is elitist, cruel to those in need and giving increasing power to the strong and ruthless
· a church is so rule oriented that the elders cannot be challenged even when they rape children, and refuse to be called to account
At a certain point, during a polarization period, these trends are noticed, as they become extreme. This is the point reached today, thus
The percentage of Service-to-Other on the Earth is tipping, and the Service-to-Self among humans feel uncomfortable. They group
more tightly, to be with their like kind. They seek more control, get more shrill, dictate more rules, and restrict access to themselves.
This is all to increase their comfort level, to return to the comfort level they remember in prior times. This desire for control, to return
to the good-ol-days, is what in fact drives the polarization, as the Service-to-Self willingly separate!
With STO gradually increasing, the trend.
Discussion with guest on how to discern orientation of people approaching the survival community.