ZetaTalk: Beautiful Bodies
Note: written Apr 15, 1997
You have a saying - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thus a life form that is covered with protective slime and has an odor that humans would equate to rotten
eggs is beautiful to others of that life form, where the human body would be considered ugly. The attraction one human feels for another is composed of many
factors, most of which are genetically programmed to ensure survival of the species.
- Sexual attraction has been analyzed by human scientists to demonstrate that the female form is most attractive to males when the hip-to-waist ratio indicates
that the female is not pregnant. Likewise females find strong and forceful males sexually attractive, as this represents a potential father who is capable of
defending a pregnant mother heavy with child.
- The urge to hug is but an extension of the infants instinctive clutch to its mother for safety and to prevent abandonment when the mother quickly exits the
vicinity to escape danger, and the urge to kiss has its basis in the suckling instinct also necessary if the infant is to survive past infancy.
- Bodies with sculpted muscles are considered more beautiful than those with flaccid muscles as this is an indication of health, just as is a lack of bad breath
or clear skin. A human body covered with sores has the same outline and stance as if it were without sores, but is considered ugly due to instinctive genetic
programming to protect the self from communicable disease.
Thus the bald, skinny, and relatively uncurvaceous bodies we have developed for the hybrid form will look beautiful to others with this same form, where they may
even find the full-blood human body slightly ugly. All that smelly hair getting in the way and hanging in front of ones eyes. That cumbersome curvaceous body that
bumps into things as they pass. How ugly!
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